Horinouchi family (堀内家)

The Horinouchi family (Horinouchi-ke) were a hereditary tea family who served as tea masters under the Omotesenke for many generations. The ango (name of hermitage) of the Horinouchi family was Choseian, which stands for the Rikyu-type "nijo daime" tearoom which is two and three-quarters tatami mats in size.

The founder of the Horinouchi family is said to have been the scholar of Japanese classical literature Josa HORINOUCHI (1612-1699), whom is purported to have learned the way of tea under Sohen YAMADA. The first generation Senkaku HORINOUCHI had been adopted into the Horinouchi family by Josa, and after having first studied haikai (seventeen-syllable verse) under SENTOKU Mizuma, he left Edo to enter into study under the sixth grandmaster of the Omotesenke, Kakukakusai. He was also famous as a haiku poet, and it is said that he exerted a great influence on the tea masters of his generation. The fourth grandmaster, Hogosai (方合斎), having originally been from Takatsuki domain, became the tea master of the Nagai family of Takatsuki domain. The eighth generation grandmaster, Sokan MATSUO, designed Ryurei-joku (a set of tea service table and chair) called "Tafel yugao makie" (table with lacquer craft of moonflowers), and subsequently obtained recognition of the ryurei-shiki (chair-style tea ceremony) in the Omotesenke. The twelfth grandmaster, Kenchusai, in what is somewhat unusual for a tea master, graduated with a degree from the department of sciences of Kyoto Imperial University, and became known for his unique style of conducting the tea service.
(His contemporary, Bunmeisai, also graduated from the department of sciences of Kyoto Imperial University.)

Horinouchi family history

[Original Japanese]